Channel Categories

GET channel-categories Returns a list of the available Channel Categories used in StoreFeeder along with a description

Channel Couriers

GET channel-couriers Get all channel couriers on the account
GET channel-couriers/{channelCourierId} Get the specified channel courier
GET channel-couriers/{channelCourierID}/service-codes Get all service codes under this ChannelCourier


GET channels Get all Channels.
GET channels/{channelid} Get Channel By ID

Channel Types

GET channel-types Returns a list of available Channel Types used in StoreFeeder along with their Channel Category.
GET channel-types/{channelcategory} Returns a list of available Channel Types for a given Channel Category

Company Identities

GET company-identities Get all company Identities
GET company-identities/{companyidentityid} Get a specific company identity by ID.


GET countries Returns a list of available Countries
GET countries/ISO/{isocode} Returns a specific country based on ISO code
GET countries/{countryid} Returns a specific country based on the country ID

Custom Attributes

POST customattributes/create-custom-attributes Create custom attributes in bulk. Max 50 at one time.
GET customattributes/{customAttributeID} Get a single Custom Attribute.
GET customattributes?CustomAttributeName={CustomAttributeName}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Get a paged list of Custom attributes. Allows a wildcard filter on name.
POST customattributes Create a new Custom Attribute
PUT customattributes/{customAttributeID} Update a Custom Attribute by ID
DELETE customattributes/{customAttributeID} Delete Custom Attribute by ID you cannot delete a custom attribute that is associated to products.

Custom Exchange Rates

GET customexchangerates?From={From}&To={To} Get custom exchange rates matching the filter information provided.
DELETE customexchangerates Delete custom exchange rate. This will mean the exchange rate from StoreFeeder feed will be used.
POST customexchangerates Add a custom exchange rate
PUT customexchangerates Edit an existing custom exchange rate


GET deliveries/{purchaseOrderID}/book-in-all Books in all outstanding items on a single Purchase Order matching the purchase order ID provided. If using multiple stock locations this will automatically assign stock to stock locations based on stock location type, display order and whether it is empty.
POST deliveries/book-in-all Books in all outstanding items for multiple purchase orders, If using multiple stock locations this will automatically assign stock to stock locations based on stock location type, display order and whether it is empty.
POST deliveries/{purchaseOrderID}/book-in Books in/Writes off items for a single purchase order.
POST deliveries/book-in Books in/Writes off items for multiple purchase orders.
GET deliveries/{purchaseOrderID} Returns information about a delivery-ready purchase order matching the supplied Purchase Order ID.
GET deliveries?RaisedDateFrom={RaisedDateFrom}&RaisedDateTo={RaisedDateTo}&SentDateFrom={SentDateFrom}&SentDateTo={SentDateTo}&DueDateFrom={DueDateFrom}&DueDateTo={DueDateTo}&UpdatedDateFrom={UpdatedDateFrom}&UpdatedDateTo={UpdatedDateTo}&PurchaseOrderRef={PurchaseOrderRef}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&PurchaseOrderStatus={PurchaseOrderStatus}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns information about multiple delivery-ready purchase orders matching the supplied Purchase Order IDs.

Drop Shipments

PUT drop-shipments/{dropshipmentId}/mark-as-despatched Mark a dropshipment as despatched
PUT drop-shipments/{dropshipmentId}/mark-as-sent-to-supplier Marks dropshipment as sent to supplier. This will not send any emails to the supplier, it will only update the status of the Dropshipment to Sent To Supplier.
GET drop-shipments/{dropShipmentID} Returns information about the Drop Shipment with the given Drop Shipment ID
GET drop-shipments?SupplierID={SupplierID}&OrderNumber={OrderNumber}&RaisedDateFrom={RaisedDateFrom}&RaisedDateTo={RaisedDateTo}&SentDateFrom={SentDateFrom}&SentDateTo={SentDateTo}&DropShipmentReference={DropShipmentReference}&DropShipmentStatus={DropShipmentStatus}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns information about multiple Drop Shipments matching the filter information provided
DELETE drop-shipments/{dropshipmentId} Delete a dropshipment. The associated order will also be reset.


PUT listings/update-prices This call allows you to update the prices of Listings by either SKU, Listing ID or Channel Identifier. A successful update of price will trigger price update on the channel if it is enabled in the channel settings. You can only update a maximum of 50 Listings at once.
DELETE listings/{listingID} Deletes the Listing with the given Listing ID from StoreFeeder. The listing will not be removed from channel.
PUT listings/{listingID}/update-price This call allows you to update the price of the Listing identified by ID. A successful update of price will trigger price update on the channel if it is enabled in the channel settings.
GET listings/{listingID} Returns information about the Listing with the given Listing ID.
GET listings?ChannelID={ChannelID}&ChannelIdentifier={ChannelIdentifier}&ListingSKU={ListingSKU}&ProductSKU={ProductSKU}&PriceFrom={PriceFrom}&PriceTo={PriceTo}&ListingStatus={ListingStatus}&CreatedDateFrom={CreatedDateFrom}&CreatedDateTo={CreatedDateTo}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns information about multiple Listings matching the filter information provided.


POST orders/create-orders This allows you to import orders in bulk. You can only import a maximum of 5 orders at once.
POST orders/create-orders-v2 This allows you to import orders in bulk. You can only import a maximum of 5 orders at once.
PUT orders/despatch-orders This allows you to despatch orders in bulk. You can only despatch a maximum of 50 orders at once.
PUT orders/allocate-orders This allows you to allocate stock locations to orders in bulk. You can only allocate a maximum of 50 orders at once. This method can only be used by accounts with multiple stock locations enabled.
GET orders/{ordernumber}/audit Get the audit records for a single order
GET orders/{ordernumber}/customisation Get the customisation data for a single order as a single zipped file. Only available for Amazon orders currently.
GET orders/{ordernumber}/logs Get the log records for a single order
PUT orders/mark-as-attention-required This method allows you to mark orders as Attention Required, or remove the same flag. You can add an optional comment. If the Attention Required flag is unchecked, it will remove any existing comments. You can only update up to 50 orders at once.
PUT orders/mark-orders-as-downloaded This method allows you mark orders as Downloaded. You can only update up to 50 orders at once.
PUT orders/mark-orders-as-not-downloaded This method allows you mark orders as not Downloaded. You can only update up to 50 orders at once.
PUT orders/override-order-statuses This method allows you override order statuses. You can get a list of statuses that you are allowed to override to by going the OrderStatus endpoint and checking the UserCanOverrideToStatus flag. You can only update up to 50 orders at once.
PUT orders/{orderNumber}/assign-label Assign a label an optionally a tracking number to an order that is in the ready to pick, assigned or despatched state. The order will be marked as having pre-generated a label
GET orders?Downloaded={Downloaded}&ImportDateFrom={ImportDateFrom}&ImportDateTo={ImportDateTo}&LastStatusChangeDateFrom={LastStatusChangeDateFrom}&LastStatusChangeDateTo={LastStatusChangeDateTo}&OrderDateFrom={OrderDateFrom}&OrderDateTo={OrderDateTo}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&ChannelID={ChannelID}&OrderStatus={OrderStatus}&ChannelType={ChannelType}&ShippingMethodID={ShippingMethodID}&CompanyIdentityID={CompanyIdentityID}&ShippingTrackingNumber={ShippingTrackingNumber}&ChannelOrderRef={ChannelOrderRef}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Get orders call. Allows multiple different filters. A common usage would be to filter by downloaded=false and orderStatusId=3 3 is complete read to pick. This would provide you with all orders which have not been marked as downloaded and are ready to be shipped.
GET orders/{ordernumber} Get a single order by Order Number.
DELETE orders/{ordernumber} Delete an order by order number
DELETE orders Delete one or more orders by order number

Order Status

GET order-status Returns a list of available Order Statuses used in StoreFeeder along with a description of the status.


GET packaging Get all packaging sizes
GET packaging/{packagingID} Get a single packaging size by id.
POST packaging Create a new packaging size
DELETE packaging/{packagingId} Delete the specified package size


GET pickwaves/{pickwaveId} Returns a Pickwave record for a given Pickwave Id
GET pickwaves?AssignedUserId={AssignedUserId}&Page={Page}&PageSize={PageSize}&Status={Status}&WarehouseId={WarehouseId} Returns a page of Pickwave records based upon the supplied filter
GET pickwaves/{pickwaveId}/orders Returns the list of Orders against a Pickwave record for a given Pickwave Id
GET pickwaves/{pickwaveId}/products Returns the list of Products against a Pickwave record for a given Pickwave Id

Product Categories

GET productcategories/get-full-category-tree This call returns the root categories and all of their children. It can return a lot of data.
GET productcategories/{categoryID} This call allows you to return a single category and its immediate children.
GET productcategories This call allows you to return the root categories and their immediate children.
PUT productcategories/{categoryID} This call allows you to update a product category.
POST productcategories This call allows you to create a category.
DELETE productcategories/{categoryID}?deleteChildren={deleteChildren} This call allows you to delete a specific category. If you try to delete a category with children without specifying the delete children flag as true it will fail.

Product Inventory Log

GET products/{productid}/productinventorylogs?From={From}&To={To} This allows you to return a date filtered list of product inventorylogs
GET products/productsinventorylogs?From={From}&To={To}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} This allows you to return a date filtered list of products inventorylogs


GET products/{productid} Get a single product by ID. All data is included.
GET products?SKU={SKU}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&EAN={EAN}&Archived={Archived}&UPC={UPC}&CategoryID={CategoryID}&ModifiedFrom={ModifiedFrom}&CreatedFrom={CreatedFrom}&CreatedTo={CreatedTo}&IncludeSuppliers={IncludeSuppliers}&IncludeVariants={IncludeVariants}&IncludeAdditionsAndSwaps={IncludeAdditionsAndSwaps}&IncludeBarcodes={IncludeBarcodes}&IncludeCustomAttributes={IncludeCustomAttributes}&IncludeCategories={IncludeCategories}&IncludeImages={IncludeImages}&IncludeStockLocations={IncludeStockLocations}&IncludeDeliveryInformation={IncludeDeliveryInformation}&ExcludeKits={ExcludeKits}&ExcludeParents={ExcludeParents}&ExcludeTaxRateCountries={ExcludeTaxRateCountries}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}&InventoryLastChangedDate={InventoryLastChangedDate} Get Products call. Allows multiple different filters and includes. All of the includes are set to false as default. This is because a very large amount of data can be returned.
PUT products/{productid} Update product by product ID
PATCH product/{productid}/ean Update a products EAN by product ID
POST products Create new Product.
POST products/create-products This call allows to update or create multiple products up to 10 products.
DELETE products/{productid} Delete a product by product ID
PATCH products This call allows to PATCH multiple products up to 10 products. All null/empty fields will be ignored.
PATCH product/{productId} This call allows to PATCH product. All null/empty fields will be ignored.

Product Stock Location Inventory

PUT products/stocklocationinventory This call allows you to update the inventory of products by either SKU or ProductID. You can only update a maximum of 50 products at once.
PUT products/{productid}/stocklocationinventory This call allows you to update the inventory of an individual product by Product ID

Product Suppliers

GET products/productsuppliers?ProductID={ProductID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&IsDefaultSupplierForProduct={IsDefaultSupplierForProduct}&SKU={SKU}&SupplierName={SupplierName}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&SupplierStockLevelMinimum={SupplierStockLevelMinimum}&SupplierStockLevelMaximum={SupplierStockLevelMaximum}&SupplierSKU={SupplierSKU}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} This call will return information about Product Suppliers.
POST products/productsuppliers This call allows to update or create Supplier entries for products.
PATCH products/productsuppliers/inventory-cost This call allows to update Supplier entries for products restricted to inventory and price.
GET products/{productid}/productsuppliers This call gets all product suppliers for a given productid.
GET products/{productid}/productsuppliers/{supplierid} This call allows you to get a particular supplier entry for a particular product.
POST products/{productid}/productsuppliers This call allows you to create or update a product supplier for a given product id.
DELETE products/{productid}/productsuppliers/{supplierid} This call allows you to delete a supplier from a product. If there is only one supplier on the product then the default supplier for the account will automatically be added.
PUT products/{productid}/productsuppliers/{supplierid} This call allows you to update a product supplier for a given Product ID and supplier ID
PATCH products/{productid}/productsuppliers/{supplierid} This call allows you to update a product supplier for a given Product ID and supplier ID

Purchase Orders

POST purchase-orders/delete Bulk deletes all Purchase Orders sent in the request
GET purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderID}/confirm Confirms a Purchase Order that is awaiting completion as 'Confirmed by Supplier'
POST purchase-orders/confirm Confirms multiple Purchase Orders that are awaiting completion as 'Confirmed by Supplier'
GET purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderID}/mark-as-sent Marks a specific Purchase Order as having been sent
POST purchase-orders/mark-as-sent Marks each Purchase Order in a list as having been sent
PUT purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderId}/update-delivery Updates the delivery details of a specific Purchase Order.
GET purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderID} Returns information about the Purchase Order with the given Purchase Order ID
GET purchase-orders?RaisedDateFrom={RaisedDateFrom}&RaisedDateTo={RaisedDateTo}&SentDateFrom={SentDateFrom}&SentDateTo={SentDateTo}&DueDateFrom={DueDateFrom}&DueDateTo={DueDateTo}&UpdatedDateFrom={UpdatedDateFrom}&UpdatedDateTo={UpdatedDateTo}&PurchaseOrderRef={PurchaseOrderRef}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&PurchaseOrderStatus={PurchaseOrderStatus}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns information about multiple Purchase Orders matching the filter information provided.
DELETE purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderID} Deletes a Purchase Order matching the supplied Purchase Order ID
POST purchase-orders Creates a new PurchaseOrder

Purchase Order Status

GET purchase-order-status Returns a list of available Purchase Order Statuses used in StoreFeeder

Shipping Methods

DELETE shipping-methods/{shippingMethodId} Delete this shipping method
POST shipping-methods Create a new shipping method
GET shipping-methods Get all shipping methods for an account.
GET shipping-methods/{shippingmethodid} Get a shipping method by ID for an account.

Stock Locations

POST stocklocations/create-transfers This call allows to create stock location transfers in bulk. This feature is only available to accounts who have multiple stock locations.
GET stocklocations?WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&HasProducts={HasProducts}&IsEmpty={IsEmpty}&KeepProduct={KeepProduct}&SKU={SKU}&LocationType={LocationType}&IncludeSystem={IncludeSystem}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns a list of Stock locations
GET stocklocations/{stockLocationID} Returns information about a single Stock Location
DELETE stocklocations/{stockLocationID} Deletes given stock Location
POST stocklocations Create a new Stock Location
PUT stocklocations/{stockLocationID} Update a Stock Location by ID


GET suppliers Get all suppliers.
GET suppliers/{supplierid} Get an individual supplier by ID
POST suppliers Create a new Supplier
PUT suppliers/{supplierid} Update a Supplier by ID
PATCH suppliers/{supplierid} Partially update a Supplier. Leave any fields null which you do not wish to update.
DELETE suppliers/{supplierid} Delete Supplier by ID you cannot delete a supplier that is associated to products.

Tax Classes

GET taxclasses Returns a list of available Tax Classes
GET taxclasses/{taxClassId} Returns a specific Tax Class
POST taxclasses Creates a new Tax Class
PUT taxclasses/{taxClassId} Update a Tax Class by ID
DELETE taxclasses/{taxClassId} Deletes a user defined Tax Class matching the supplied Tax Class Id

Tax Rate Countries

GET taxclasses/{taxclassid}/taxratecountries Returns a list of all available all Country specific tax rates for a Tax Class
GET taxclasses/{taxclassid}/taxratecountries/{taxratecountryid} Returns a single Country specific tax rate in a Tax Class
POST taxclasses/{taxclassid}/taxratecountries Creates a new Country specific tax rate in a Tax Class
PUT taxclasses/{taxclassid}/taxratecountries Updates a Country specific tax rate in a Tax class
DELETE taxclasses/{taxClassId}/taxratecountries/{taxRateCountryId} Deletes a Country specific tax rate


GET warehouses Returns a list of Warehouses
GET warehouses/{warehouseID} Returns information about a single Warehouse
GET warehouses/{warehouseID}/inventory-report?PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns all products within a warehouse and their current inventory. Max page size 10000
DELETE warehouses/{warehouseId} Delete a single warehouse
POST warehouses Create a new warehouse

Warehouse Zones

GET warehousezones?WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&Name={Name}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page} Returns a list of Warehouse Zones
GET warehousezones/{warehouseZoneID} Returns information about a single Warehouse Zone
DELETE warehousezones/{warehouseZoneID} >No documentation available.
POST warehousezones Create/Update Warehouse Zones
PUT warehousezones/{warehouseZoneID} Update a Warehouse Zone by ID