GET warehouses/{warehouseID}/inventory-report?PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}

Returns all products within a warehouse and their current inventory. Max page size 10000

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
warehouseID ID of the Warehouse integer Required
PageSize This is an optional parameter. This will default to 100. The max page size is 10000 integer Range: inclusive between 1 and 10000
Page This is an optional parameter. It will default to page 1. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Returns all products within a warehouse and their current inventory. Max page size 10000

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
TotalItems integer None.
PagingInfo PagingFilter None.
TotalPages integer None.
Data Collection of WarehouseInventoryModel None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItems": 1,
  "PagingInfo": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Page": 1
  "TotalPages": 1,
  "Data": [
      "Product": {
        "ProductID": 1,
        "SKU": "SKU 1"
      "TotalInventory": 11,
      "OnBackOrder": 0,
      "IsAkit": false,
      "Allocated": 2,
      "StockLocations": [
          "StockLocation": {
            "StockLocationID": 1,
            "StockLocationReference": "Unspecified"
          "Inventory": 1,
          "Allocated": 0,
          "PhysicalStock": 0,
          "PendingOut": 0
          "StockLocation": {
            "StockLocationID": 1,
            "StockLocationReference": "A100"
          "Inventory": 10,
          "Allocated": 0,
          "PhysicalStock": 0,
          "PendingOut": 0

application/xml, text/xml

<PagedWarehouseInventoryModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <SKU>SKU 1</SKU>