GET products/productsuppliers?ProductID={ProductID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&IsDefaultSupplierForProduct={IsDefaultSupplierForProduct}&SKU={SKU}&SupplierName={SupplierName}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&SupplierStockLevelMinimum={SupplierStockLevelMinimum}&SupplierStockLevelMaximum={SupplierStockLevelMaximum}&SupplierSKU={SupplierSKU}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}

This call will return information about Product Suppliers.

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ProductID This is an optional parameter. Set it to only return Product Supplier information for the Product matching the supplied Product ID. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$
WarehouseID This is an optional parameter. Set it to only return Product Supplier information for the given Warehouse. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$
IsDefaultSupplierForProduct This is an optional parameter. Set this to indicate whether to return only Product Supplier information for Default Suppliers of that product. boolean None.
SKU This is an optional parameter. Set this to only return Product Supplier information for Products with the given SKU. string None.
SupplierName This is an optional parameter. Set this to only return Product Supplier information for a particular Supplier, specified by Supplier Name. string None.
SupplierID This is an optional parameter. Set this to only return Product Supplier information for a particular Supplier, specified by Supplier ID. integer None.
SupplierStockLevelMinimum This is an optional parameter. Set this to only return Product Supplier information where the Supplier Stock level is greater than or equal to the specified amount. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[0-9]\d*$
SupplierStockLevelMaximum This is an optional parameter. Set this to only return Product Supplier information where the Supplier Stock level is less than the specified amount. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[0-9]\d*$
SupplierSKU This is an optional parameter. Set this it only return Product Supplier information where the Supplier SKU is equal to the provided value. string None.
PageSize This is an optional parameter. This will default to 500. The max page size is 1000 integer Range: inclusive between 1 and 1000
Page This is an optional parameter. This will default to page 1. integer None.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

This call will return information about Product Suppliers.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
TotalItems integer None.
PagingInfo PagingFilter None.
TotalPages integer None.
Data Collection of ProductSuppliersModel None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItems": 75,
  "PagingInfo": {
    "PageSize": 50,
    "Page": 1
  "TotalPages": 2,
  "Data": [
      "Product": {
        "ProductID": 123,
        "SKU": "Product SKU",
        "WarehouseID": 43
      "Supplier": {
        "SupplierID": 1,
        "SupplierName": "My Supplier",
        "SupplierCurrency": {
          "CurrencyID": 4,
          "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
          "CurrencyName": "British Pound",
          "Symbol": "£"
      "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU1",
      "PriorityOrder": 0,
      "IsDefaultSupplierForProduct": true,
      "CostPrice": 5.68,
      "SupplierStockLevel": 100,
      "SupplierCartonQty": 25,
      "SuppliersReference": "Supplier Reference",
      "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 2

application/xml, text/xml

<PagedProductSuppliersModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <SKU>Product SKU</SKU>
        <SupplierName>My Supplier</SupplierName>
        <SupplierMinOrderAmount xsi:nil="true" />
          <CurrencyName>British Pound</CurrencyName>
      <SuppliersReference>Supplier Reference</SuppliersReference>