POST purchase-orders
Creates a new PurchaseOrder
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The purchase order object to be created
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseOrderReference | Optional. Reference for the PO. This must be unique. If blank a reference will be auto-assigned. | string | Max length: 50 |
DeliveryCost | Optional. Delivery price for the Purchase Order. If blank the price will be calculated based on the existing settings in StoreFeeder and the Products being ordered. | decimal number | None. |
SupplierID | The ID of the Supplier in StoreFeeder that this PO is for | integer | None. |
WarehouseID | The ID of the Warehouse in StoreFeeder that this PO is for | integer | None. |
DueDate | Purchase Order Lines | date | None. |
Lines | Collection of NewPurchaseOrderLineModel | None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PurchaseOrderReference": "PO123", "DeliveryCost": 5.99, "SupplierID": 101, "WarehouseID": 23, "DueDate": "2025-01-16T12:00:47.4635442+00:00", "Lines": [ { "ProductID": 123, "SKU": "ABC", "Qty": 10, "SingleItemPrice": 1.99, "TaxRate": 17.5 }, { "ProductID": 456, "SupplierSKU": "XYZ", "Qty": 8, "SingleItemPrice": 5.87, "TaxRate": 20.0 } ] }
Response Information
Resource Description
Creates a new PurchaseOrder
PurchaseOrderModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseOrderID | ID of the purchase Order | integer | None. |
PurchaseOrderGuid | Unique GIUD of the Purchase Order | globally unique identifier | None. |
User | User who created the Purchase Order | UserBaseModel | None. |
PurchaseOrderReference | StoreFeeder user facing reference number for the Purchase Order | string | None. |
DateRaised | Date the Purchase Order was originally raised | date | None. |
Supplier | Supplier that the Purchase Order is for | PurchaseOrderSupplierModel | None. |
Warehouse | Warehouse that the Purchase Order is for | WarehouseBaseModel | None. |
DateDue | Date that the Purchase Order is due to be delivered | date | None. |
PurchaseOrderStatus | Status of the Purchase Order | PurchaseOrderStatuses | None. |
DeliveryCost | Delivery charge for the Purchase Order | decimal number | None. |
Subtotal | Subtotal of the Purchase Order (i.e. total product cost and shipping less tax) | decimal number | None. |
TotalVat | Total VAT for the purchase order | decimal number | None. |
Total | Total cost of the purchase order including shipping and tax. | decimal number | None. |
Currency | Currency that the purchase order is created in | CurrencyBaseModel | None. |
DateSent | The Date the Purchase Order was sent to the Supplier | date | None. |
PaymentReference | The Payment Reference | string | None. |
PurchaseOrderLines | List of Purchase Order Lines contained in the purchase order. | Collection of PurchaseOrderLineModel | None. |
UpdatedDate | The date the purchase order was last updated. | date | None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PurchaseOrderID": 123, "PurchaseOrderGuid": "631dca6b-388e-40de-92c0-ff93d14d2b8c", "User": { "UserID": 9, "UserName": "Johnny UserMan" }, "PurchaseOrderReference": "123_abc", "DateRaised": "2025-01-16T12:00:47.4970957+00:00", "Supplier": { "SupplierCode": "exSup", "SuppliersReference": "SuppliersReference", "Currency": { "CurrencyID": 4, "CurrencyCode": "GBP", "CurrencyName": "British Pound", "Symbol": "£" }, "SupplierID": 2, "Name": "Example Supplier" }, "Warehouse": { "WarehouseName": "Demo Warehouse", "WarehouseGuid": "e34722c8-a7e0-4bf1-a77c-4b67901a90a4", "WarehouseID": 78 }, "DateDue": "2025-01-18T12:00:47.4970957+00:00", "PurchaseOrderStatus": "SentToSupplier", "DeliveryCost": 5.99, "Subtotal": 15.99, "TotalVat": 4.67, "Total": 25.99, "Currency": { "CurrencyID": 4, "CurrencyCode": "GBP", "CurrencyName": "UK Pound", "Symbol": "£" }, "DateSent": "2025-01-16T12:20:47.4970957+00:00", "PaymentReference": "Example Reference", "PurchaseOrderLines": [ { "PurchaseOrderLineID": 789, "ProductID": 1, "ProductSKU": "ABC", "QtyOrdered": 10, "QtyReceived": 0, "PurchaseOrderDetailsStatus": "AwaitingProduct", "SinglePrice": 1.99, "TaxRate": 20.0, "LineVat": 1.78, "LineTotal": 19.99, "DeliveryStatusID": 1, "DeliveryStatus": "Pending", "QtyWrittenOff": 0.0, "CartonQty": 10, "AddedByUserID": 1, "BookedInByUserID": 1, "TotalUnitsOrdered": 10, "TotalUnitsReceived": 0, "TotalUnitsWrittenOff": 0 } ], "UpdatedDate": "2025-01-16T12:00:47.497141Z" }