GET stocklocations/{stockLocationID}

Returns information about a single Stock Location

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
stockLocationID ID of the Stock Location integer Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Returns information about a single Stock Location

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
StockLocationID The ID for the StockLocation integer Required
StockLocationReference The reference for the stock location. string None.
Warehouse The warehouse for the stocklocation WarehouseBaseModel None.
StockLocationType The type of the stock location. I.e. Pickbin, Bulk Location.. StockLocationType None.
KeepProduct Keep product determines whether when the stock location inventory for a product reaches 0 whether the stock location will retain the product or it will be removed. This is unavailable for accounts without multiple stock locations. boolean None.
LocationOrder This is the priority of the stock location. A location order of 1 will be picked before 10. integer None.
IsEmpty This is whether the stock locations contains any products. boolean None.
HasProducts This is whether the stock location has products associated to it. boolean None.
IsSystem This indicates if the stock location has been created automatically by StoreFeeder rather than by the user boolean None.
IsQuarantined This indicates if the stock location's stock is used when calculating the sellable stock that is sent to channel boolean None.
WarehouseZone The warehouse zone for the stocklocation WarehouseZoneBaseModel None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItems": 2,
  "PagingInfo": {
    "PageSize": 1,
    "Page": 1
  "TotalPages": 1,
  "Data": [
      "StockLocationID": 1,
      "StockLocationReference": "A-1",
      "Warehouse": {
        "WarehouseName": "My Warehouse",
        "WarehouseGuid": "f9514e0e-7c13-490e-a532-2cda3c492a0a",
        "WarehouseID": 1
      "StockLocationType": "Pickbin",
      "KeepProduct": false,
      "LocationOrder": 1,
      "IsEmpty": false,
      "HasProducts": false,
      "IsSystem": false,
      "IsQuarantined": false
      "StockLocationID": 2,
      "StockLocationReference": "Bulk1",
      "Warehouse": {
        "WarehouseName": "My Warehouse",
        "WarehouseGuid": "28e23f8b-939c-464d-a2d4-bd15660e9dcc",
        "WarehouseID": 1
      "StockLocationType": "BulkLocation",
      "KeepProduct": true,
      "LocationOrder": 199,
      "IsEmpty": false,
      "HasProducts": false,
      "IsSystem": false,
      "IsQuarantined": true

application/xml, text/xml

<PagedStockLocationModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <WarehouseName>My Warehouse</WarehouseName>
        <WarehouseName>My Warehouse</WarehouseName>