PUT purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderId}/update-delivery

Updates the delivery details of a specific Purchase Order.

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
purchaseOrderId The ID of the Purchase Order to be updated. integer Required

Body Parameters

The object containing the new delivery details.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
DueDate Optional. Due date for the Purchase Order. If blank the date will not be updated. date None.
DeliveryCost Optional. Delivery price for the Purchase Order. If blank the price will not be updated. decimal number None.
PurchaseOrderReference Optional. Reference for the PO. This must be unique. If blank a reference will not be updated. string Max length: 50

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "DueDate": "2024-12-21T16:55:47.8133847+00:00",
  "DeliveryCost": 1.0,
  "PurchaseOrderReference": "sample string 1"

application/xml, text/xml

<UpdateDeliveryPurchaseOrderModel xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <PurchaseOrderReference>sample string 1</PurchaseOrderReference>

Response Information

Resource Description

Updates the delivery details of a specific Purchase Order.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
PurchaseOrderID The StoreFeeder Purchase Order ID integer None.
PurchaseOrderReference The Purchase Order Reference string None.
Success Whether the action was successful boolean None.
Error Any errors that were received Success will always be false if an error is returned. string None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "PurchaseOrderID": 1,
  "PurchaseOrderReference": "PO1",
  "Success": false,
  "Error": "An error occurred"

application/xml, text/xml

<PurchaseOrderSimpleResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Error>An error occurred</Error>