POST stocklocations/create-transfers
This call allows to create stock location transfers in bulk. This feature is only available to accounts who have multiple stock locations.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The transfers that you want to create. To create a transfer to or from an unspecified location. Use an ID Type of stock location reference and unspecified as the value.
Collection of StockLocationTransferModel
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductIDType | The ID that you are using to perform this update | ProductIDTypeModel | Required |
StockLocationFrom | The Stock Location that you want to transfer the stock from. Set Stock Location Reference to Unspecified to transfer to or from unspecified location. | StockLocationProductIDTypeModel | Required |
StockLocationTo | The Stock Location that you want to transfer the stock to. Set Stock Location Reference to Unspecified to transfer to or from unspecified location. | StockLocationIDTypeModel | Required |
TransferAmount | The amount of stock that you want to transfer. | integer | Required |
ImmediateTransfer | Whether the transfer is a pending transfer or an immediate transfer. Immediate affects inventory straight away. Pending needs to be confirmed. | boolean | Required |
AssignedUserID | The user that will be assigned to the transfer. If this is null it will be assigned to the API user. | UserIDTypeModel | None. |
DissociateProductIfEmpty | If the location is set to KEEP PRODUCT but you'd like to dissociate the product from the location if the transfer removes the entire quantity from that location then set this value to true | boolean | None. |
IsSystem | This determines whether the transfer has been created by a user or automatically by a system process | boolean | None. |
StockLocationFromExpiryDate | The expiry date of the product in the location being transferred from, only use this if the value is not already set against the product in the location | date | None. |
StockLocationFromBatchReference | The batch reference of the product in the location being transferred from, only use this if the value is not already set against the product in the location | string | None. |
StockLocationFromDeliveredDate | The date that the product in the location being transferred from was delivered, only use this if the value is not already set against the product in the location | date | None. |
TransferReason | string | None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "SKU", "Value": "sku5" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "543" }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb3", "Warehouse": { "IDType": "Name", "Value": "Default Warehouse" } }, "TransferAmount": 1, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "AssignedUserID": { "IDType": "Email", "Value": "" }, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false }, { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "6743" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "5431" }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "3213" }, "TransferAmount": 2, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false }, { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "SKU", "Value": "sku10" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb2", "Warehouse": { "IDType": "Name", "Value": "Default Warehouse" } }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb1" }, "TransferAmount": 3, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "AssignedUserID": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "123" }, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false } ]
Response Information
Resource Description
This call allows to create stock location transfers in bulk. This feature is only available to accounts who have multiple stock locations.
StockLocationTransferModelCollectionResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PendingTransfers | The amount of pending transfers that were created. | integer | None. |
ImmediateTransfers | The amount of immediate transfers that were created. | integer | None. |
TotalItemsProcessed | integer | None. | |
Successful | integer | None. | |
Failed | integer | None. | |
Responses | Collection of StockLocationTransferResponseModel | None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PendingTransfers": 0, "ImmediateTransfers": 0, "TotalItemsProcessed": 3, "Successful": 2, "Failed": 1, "Responses": [ { "Transfer": { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "SKU", "Value": "sku5" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "543" }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb3", "Warehouse": { "IDType": "Name", "Value": "Default Warehouse" } }, "TransferAmount": 1, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "AssignedUserID": { "IDType": "Email", "Value": "" }, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false }, "Success": false, "Error": "Stock Location does not exist or you do not have permission to access it." }, { "Transfer": { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "6743" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "5431" }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "3213" }, "TransferAmount": 2, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false }, "Success": true }, { "Transfer": { "ProductIDType": { "IDType": "SKU", "Value": "sku10" }, "StockLocationFrom": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb2", "Warehouse": { "IDType": "Name", "Value": "Default Warehouse" } }, "StockLocationTo": { "IDType": "StockLocationReference", "Value": "pb1" }, "TransferAmount": 3, "ImmediateTransfer": true, "AssignedUserID": { "IDType": "ID", "Value": "123" }, "DissociateProductIfEmpty": false, "IsSystem": false }, "Success": true } ] }