GET suppliers/{supplierid}

Get an individual supplier by ID

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
supplierid The ID of the supplier you want to retrieve. integer Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Get an individual supplier by ID

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
SupplierGUID The Guid for the Supplier. globally unique identifier None.
SupplierAddress The Suppliers Address. SupplierAddressModel None.
SupplierCode The code for the Supplier. string Max length: 20
Email The Suppliers Email Address. string None.
MinimumOrderValue The minimum order value allowed for the supplier. decimal number None.
SendBelowReorderLevelEmail This determines whether automatic emails are sent when a product goes below the reorder level. boolean None.
BelowReorderLevelReportRecipientEmailAddress A list of emails that will the Reorder level report will be sent to. Collection of string None.
Reference Your reference for the supplier. string None.
AccountNumber Your account number with the supplier. string None.
CurrencyCode The ISO 4217 Currency Code string None.
SuppliersReference The suppliers reference for you. string Max length: 20
SupplierID The ID for the supplier. integer Required
Name The supplier name. string None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "SupplierGUID": "2b427ec3-84bf-4763-8bae-e55955300528",
  "SupplierAddress": {
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Address1": "123 Example Street",
    "Address2": "Example borough",
    "Suite": "Suite Name",
    "City": "Example City",
    "State": "State",
    "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
    "Country": "United Kingdom",
    "PhoneNumber": "01234123456"
  "SupplierCode": "sup1",
  "Email": "",
  "MinimumOrderValue": 100.0,
  "SendBelowReorderLevelEmail": true,
  "BelowReorderLevelReportRecipientEmailAddress": [
  "Reference": "sf1",
  "AccountNumber": "yourCompany1",
  "SuppliersReference": "suppliersReference",
  "SupplierID": 1,
  "Name": "Supplier 1"

application/xml, text/xml

<SupplierModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Name>Supplier 1</Name>
    <Address1>123 Example Street</Address1>
    <Address2>Example borough</Address2>
    <Suite>Suite Name</Suite>
    <City>Example City</City>
    <Postcode>NG7 2RR</Postcode>
    <Country>United Kingdom</Country>