GET drop-shipments/{dropShipmentID}

Returns information about the Drop Shipment with the given Drop Shipment ID

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
dropShipmentID integer Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Returns information about the Drop Shipment with the given Drop Shipment ID

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
DropShipmentID ID of the Drop Shipment integer None.
DropShipmentGuid Unique GUID of the Drop Shipment globally unique identifier None.
DropShipmentReference StoreFeeder user facing reference number for the Drop Shipment string None.
DropShipmentStatus Status of the Drop Shipment DropShipmentStatuses None.
RaisedByUser User who raised the Drop Shipment UserBaseModel None.
Supplier Supplier that the Drop Shipment is for DropShipmentSupplierModel None.
DateRaised Date the Drop Shipment was originally raised date None.
DateSent The Date the Drop Shipment was sent to the Supplier date None.
DeliveryCost Delivery charge for the Drop Shipment decimal number None.
Currency Currency that the Drop Shipment is created in CurrencyBaseModel None.
ShippingAddress This is the Shipping Address for the Drop Shipment AddressModel None.
SupplierAddress This is the Supplier Address for the Drop Shipment AddressModel None.
Order Basic information about the Order OrderBaseModel None.
DropShipmentOrderLines List of Order Lines contained in the Drop Shipment. Collection of DropShipmentLineModel None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "DropShipmentID": 123,
  "DropShipmentGuid": "ecef2894-f15a-4d04-b950-72076560abba",
  "DropShipmentReference": "123_abc",
  "DropShipmentStatus": "SentToSupplier",
  "RaisedByUser": {
    "UserID": 1,
    "UserName": "Example User"
  "Supplier": {
    "SupplierCode": "Sup1",
    "SupplierID": 1,
    "Name": "Supplier 1"
  "DateRaised": "2025-02-05T16:01:46.8686459Z",
  "DateSent": "2025-02-05T16:21:46.8686459Z",
  "DeliveryCost": 5.99,
  "Currency": {
    "CurrencyID": 4,
    "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
    "CurrencyName": "British Pound",
    "Symbol": "£"
  "ShippingAddress": {
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Company": "Company name",
    "Address1": "the cottage",
    "Address2": "1 street name",
    "City": "City",
    "State": "State",
    "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
    "Country": "United Kingdom"
  "SupplierAddress": {
    "Company": "Company name",
    "Address1": "the cottage",
    "Address2": "1 street name",
    "City": "City",
    "State": "State",
    "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
    "Country": "United Kingdom"
  "Order": {
    "OrderNumber": 123456,
    "OrderGuid": "0cc1e3ae-d2de-40ea-be1b-c978d9af2b4a",
    "OrderStatus": "Draft",
    "OrderTotals": {
      "Subtotal": 8.33,
      "Tax": 1.66,
      "ShippingCost": 1.99,
      "Discount": 0.0,
      "Total": 11.98,
      "ShippingNet": 0.0,
      "ShippingTax": 0.0
    "Currency": "GBP"
  "DropShipmentOrderLines": [
      "DropShipmentLineID": 456,
      "ProductSKU": "ABC",
      "SupplierCode": "SUP-ABC",
      "Quantity": 10,
      "Notes": "A note",
      "DeliveryStatus": "Received",
      "Cost": 2.5,
      "Currency": {
        "CurrencyID": 4,
        "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
        "CurrencyName": "British Pound",
        "Symbol": "£"