GET deliveries?RaisedDateFrom={RaisedDateFrom}&RaisedDateTo={RaisedDateTo}&SentDateFrom={SentDateFrom}&SentDateTo={SentDateTo}&DueDateFrom={DueDateFrom}&DueDateTo={DueDateTo}&UpdatedDateFrom={UpdatedDateFrom}&UpdatedDateTo={UpdatedDateTo}&PurchaseOrderRef={PurchaseOrderRef}&SupplierID={SupplierID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&PurchaseOrderStatus={PurchaseOrderStatus}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}

Returns information about multiple delivery-ready purchase orders matching the supplied Purchase Order IDs.

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
RaisedDateFrom This is an optional parameter. This inidicates the earliest Raised Date which will be returned. date None.
RaisedDateTo This is an optional parameter. This indicates the most recent Raised Date which will be returned. date None.
SentDateFrom This is an optional parameter. This indicates the earliest Sent Date which will be returned date None.
SentDateTo This is an optional parameter. This indicates the most recent Sent Date which will be returned date None.
DueDateFrom This is an optional parameter. This indicates the earliest Due Date which will be returned. date None.
DueDateTo This is an optional parameter. This indicates the most recent Due Date which will be returned. date None.
UpdatedDateFrom This is an optional parameter. This indicates the earliest Updated Date which will be returned. date None.
UpdatedDateTo This is an optional parameter. This indicates the most recent Updated Date that will be returned date None.
PurchaseOrderRef This is an optional parameter. This is the reference for a specific purchase order. string None.
SupplierID This is an optional parameter. Specifying a Supplier ID will only return Purchase Orders for that Supplier. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$
WarehouseID This is an optional parameter. Specifying a Warehouse ID will only return Purchase Orders for that Warehouse. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$
PurchaseOrderStatus This is an optional parameter. Specifying a Status will only return Purchase Orders with that matching status. PurchaseOrderStatuses None.
PageSize This is an optional parameter. This will default to 100. The max page size is 100 integer Range: inclusive between 1 and 100
Page This is an optional parameter. It will default to page 1. integer Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Returns information about multiple delivery-ready purchase orders matching the supplied Purchase Order IDs.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
TotalItems integer None.
PagingInfo PagingFilter None.
TotalPages integer None.
Data Collection of PurchaseOrderModel None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItems": 1,
  "PagingInfo": {
    "PageSize": 1,
    "Page": 2
  "TotalPages": 2,
  "Data": [
      "PurchaseOrderID": 1,
      "PurchaseOrderGuid": "88132fb6-d870-4c86-90cc-835657f8fba5",
      "User": {
        "UserID": 1,
        "UserName": "sample string 2"
      "PurchaseOrderReference": "sample string 2",
      "DateRaised": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "Supplier": {
        "SupplierCode": "sample string 1",
        "SuppliersReference": "sample string 2",
        "Currency": {
          "CurrencyID": 1,
          "CurrencyCode": "sample string 2",
          "CurrencyName": "sample string 3",
          "Symbol": "sample string 4"
        "SupplierID": 1,
        "Name": "sample string 3"
      "Warehouse": {
        "WarehouseName": "sample string 1",
        "WarehouseGuid": "bd2742ad-19ad-4b26-9139-e557fd1006e3",
        "WarehouseID": 3
      "DateDue": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
      "DeliveryCost": 1.0,
      "Subtotal": 1.0,
      "TotalVat": 1.0,
      "Total": 1.0,
      "Currency": {
        "CurrencyID": 1,
        "CurrencyCode": "sample string 2",
        "CurrencyName": "sample string 3",
        "Symbol": "sample string 4"
      "DateSent": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "PurchaseOrderLines": [
          "PurchaseOrderLineID": 1,
          "ProductID": 1,
          "ProductSKU": "sample string 2",
          "QtyOrdered": 1,
          "QtyReceived": 1,
          "PurchaseOrderDetailsStatus": "AwaitingProduct",
          "SinglePrice": 1.0,
          "TaxRate": 1.0,
          "LineVat": 1.0,
          "LineTotal": 1.0,
          "DeliveryStatusID": 1,
          "DeliveryStatus": "sample string 3",
          "QtyWrittenOff": 1.0,
          "CartonQty": 4,
          "AddedByUserID": 1,
          "BookedInByUserID": 1,
          "TotalUnitsOrdered": 5,
          "TotalUnitsReceived": 1,
          "TotalUnitsWrittenOff": 1,
          "LineNotes": "sample string 6"
          "PurchaseOrderLineID": 1,
          "ProductID": 1,
          "ProductSKU": "sample string 2",
          "QtyOrdered": 1,
          "QtyReceived": 1,
          "PurchaseOrderDetailsStatus": "AwaitingProduct",
          "SinglePrice": 1.0,
          "TaxRate": 1.0,
          "LineVat": 1.0,
          "LineTotal": 1.0,
          "DeliveryStatusID": 1,
          "DeliveryStatus": "sample string 3",
          "QtyWrittenOff": 1.0,
          "CartonQty": 4,
          "AddedByUserID": 1,
          "BookedInByUserID": 1,
          "TotalUnitsOrdered": 5,
          "TotalUnitsReceived": 1,
          "TotalUnitsWrittenOff": 1,
          "LineNotes": "sample string 6"
      "UpdatedDate": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00"
      "PurchaseOrderID": 1,
      "PurchaseOrderGuid": "88132fb6-d870-4c86-90cc-835657f8fba5",
      "User": {
        "UserID": 1,
        "UserName": "sample string 2"
      "PurchaseOrderReference": "sample string 2",
      "DateRaised": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "Supplier": {
        "SupplierCode": "sample string 1",
        "SuppliersReference": "sample string 2",
        "Currency": {
          "CurrencyID": 1,
          "CurrencyCode": "sample string 2",
          "CurrencyName": "sample string 3",
          "Symbol": "sample string 4"
        "SupplierID": 1,
        "Name": "sample string 3"
      "Warehouse": {
        "WarehouseName": "sample string 1",
        "WarehouseGuid": "bd2742ad-19ad-4b26-9139-e557fd1006e3",
        "WarehouseID": 3
      "DateDue": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
      "DeliveryCost": 1.0,
      "Subtotal": 1.0,
      "TotalVat": 1.0,
      "Total": 1.0,
      "Currency": {
        "CurrencyID": 1,
        "CurrencyCode": "sample string 2",
        "CurrencyName": "sample string 3",
        "Symbol": "sample string 4"
      "DateSent": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00",
      "PurchaseOrderLines": [
          "PurchaseOrderLineID": 1,
          "ProductID": 1,
          "ProductSKU": "sample string 2",
          "QtyOrdered": 1,
          "QtyReceived": 1,
          "PurchaseOrderDetailsStatus": "AwaitingProduct",
          "SinglePrice": 1.0,
          "TaxRate": 1.0,
          "LineVat": 1.0,
          "LineTotal": 1.0,
          "DeliveryStatusID": 1,
          "DeliveryStatus": "sample string 3",
          "QtyWrittenOff": 1.0,
          "CartonQty": 4,
          "AddedByUserID": 1,
          "BookedInByUserID": 1,
          "TotalUnitsOrdered": 5,
          "TotalUnitsReceived": 1,
          "TotalUnitsWrittenOff": 1,
          "LineNotes": "sample string 6"
          "PurchaseOrderLineID": 1,
          "ProductID": 1,
          "ProductSKU": "sample string 2",
          "QtyOrdered": 1,
          "QtyReceived": 1,
          "PurchaseOrderDetailsStatus": "AwaitingProduct",
          "SinglePrice": 1.0,
          "TaxRate": 1.0,
          "LineVat": 1.0,
          "LineTotal": 1.0,
          "DeliveryStatusID": 1,
          "DeliveryStatus": "sample string 3",
          "QtyWrittenOff": 1.0,
          "CartonQty": 4,
          "AddedByUserID": 1,
          "BookedInByUserID": 1,
          "TotalUnitsOrdered": 5,
          "TotalUnitsReceived": 1,
          "TotalUnitsWrittenOff": 1,
          "LineNotes": "sample string 6"
      "UpdatedDate": "2024-05-03T06:16:35.2427662+00:00"