POST warehouses

Create a new warehouse

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ContactName The contact name for the warehouse string Required Max length: 50
WarehouseName The name of the warehouse string Required Max length: 50
Address The first line of the warehouse address string Required Max length: 50
Address1 The second line of the warehouse address string Max length: 50
Address2 The third line of the warehouse address string Max length: 50
City The city the warehouse is in string Required Max length: 50
County The county or state that the warehouse is in string Max length: 50
PostCode The postcode or zipcode of the warehouse string Required Max length: 50
Country The country the warehouse is in, defaults to United Kingdom if unspecified CountryEnum Required
CollectionPoint Collection point is used by some couriers when booking a pickup. For example: Front Desk, Warehouse string Max length: 50
MetaPackwarehouseCode The MetaPack code for the warehouse string Max length: 50
HandlingTimeDays The handling time (in days) that it takes to process and despatch an order from the Warehouse integer Required
GrantPermissionToAllUsers Grant permission to the warehouse for all users on this account boolean None.
WarehouseType The warehouse type to create, supported types are Warehouse_Fulfillment and DropShipment Types Required

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "ContactName": "Patrica Smith",
  "WarehouseName": "Warehouse 14",
  "Address": "12 Fortress Way",
  "City": "New Legsby",
  "PostCode": "LN34 4RT",
  "Country": "UNITEDKINGDOM",
  "HandlingTimeDays": 4,
  "GrantPermissionToAllUsers": false,
  "WarehouseType": "Warehouse_Fulfillment"

application/xml, text/xml

<WarehouseCreateModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <ContactName>Patrica Smith</ContactName>
  <WarehouseName>Warehouse 14</WarehouseName>
  <Address>12 Fortress Way</Address>
  <City>New Legsby</City>
  <PostCode>LN34 4RT</PostCode>

Response Information

Resource Description

Create a new warehouse

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ShippingAddress Shipping Address for the Warehouse AddressModel None.
BillingAddress Billing Address for the Warehouse AddressModel None.
IsDefault Indicates whether this is set as your Default Warehouse in StoreFeeder boolean None.
MetaPackWarehouseCode MetaPack warehouse code, may be added only if at least one MetaPack courier integration is assigned to the account. string None.
SenderName The name of the Sender for that Warehouse string None.
CollectionPoint The Collection point is used by some couriers when booking a pickup. For example: Front Desk, Warehouse string None.
HandlingTime The handling time (in days) that it takes to process and despatch an order from the Warehouse integer None.
MaxOrderValue Max Value of an order that can be placed on that Warehouse decimal number None.
MaxOrderSubtotal Max Subtotal of an order that can be placed on that Warehouse decimal number None.
MaxOrderTotal Max Total of an order that can be placed on that Warehouse decimal number None.
ApplyTaxToShipping Specifies whether tax should be applied to shipping costs for that warehouse boolean None.
WarehouseType The type of warehouse this has been designated as in StoreFeeder string None.
WarehouseName Name of the warehouse string None.
WarehouseGuid globally unique identifier None.
WarehouseID Id Number of the Warehouse integer None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "Warehouse": {
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "Address1": "123 Example Street",
      "Address2": "Somewhere",
      "Address3": "Somewhere Else",
      "City": "Some City",
      "State": "Some Region",
      "Postcode": "AN1 1NA",
      "Country": "United Kingdom"
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Address1": "123 Example Street",
      "Address2": "Somewhere",
      "Address3": "Somewhere Else",
      "City": "Some City",
      "State": "Some Region",
      "Postcode": "AN1 1NA",
      "Country": "United Kingdom"
    "IsDefault": true,
    "MetaPackWarehouseCode": "META_PACK_CODE",
    "SenderName": "Sender",
    "HandlingTime": 1,
    "MaxOrderValue": 1234.56,
    "MaxOrderSubtotal": 999.95,
    "MaxOrderTotal": 1080.0,
    "ApplyTaxToShipping": true,
    "WarehouseType": "Fulfilment",
    "WarehouseName": "Warehouse 1",
    "WarehouseGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "WarehouseID": 1

application/xml, text/xml

<WarehousesResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <WarehouseName>Warehouse 1</WarehouseName>
      <Address1>123 Example Street</Address1>
      <Address3>Somewhere Else</Address3>
      <City>Some City</City>
      <State>Some Region</State>
      <Postcode>AN1 1NA</Postcode>
      <Country>United Kingdom</Country>
      <Address1>123 Example Street</Address1>
      <Address3>Somewhere Else</Address3>
      <City>Some City</City>
      <State>Some Region</State>
      <Postcode>AN1 1NA</Postcode>
      <Country>United Kingdom</Country>