GET orders/{ordernumber}

Get a single order by Order Number.

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ordernumber The Order Number you want to retrieve. integer Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Get a single order by Order Number.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
OrderNumber This is the StoreFeeder Order Number. integer None.
OrderGuid This is the StoreFeeder Order GUID. globally unique identifier None.
OrderStatus This is the StoreFeeder Order Status ID. Statuses None.
Warehouse This is the Warehouse where the products in the order are stored. WarehouseBaseModel None.
Channel This is the Channel that the order was placed on. ChannelBaseModel None.
ChannelOrderRef This is the order reference that was supplied by the Channel. string None.
ParentOrderNumber This the order number of the original order that the order used to be part of if the order has been split, or the order number of the main order if the order has been merged. integer None.
OrderTotals This is the Order Total OrderTotalsModel None.
Customer This is the information StoreFeeder holds about the customer who placed the order. CustomerBaseModel None.
BillingAddress This is the billing address for the order. AddressModel None.
Shippingaddress This is the shipping address for the order. AddressModel None.
CouponCode This is the code that was provided for a discount coupon, if one was used. string None.
OrderDate This is the date that the order was placed. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
AttentionIsRequired The flag for Attention Is Required boolean None.
AttentionRequiredMessage The Attention Required Message for the order string None.
IOSSNumber The IOSS Number associated to the order. string None.
IsPrime Flag for Amazon Prime orders boolean None.
IsPriority Flag for Priority orders boolean None.
IsAmazonBusiness Flag for Amazon Business boolean None.
ImportDate This is the date that the order was imported into storefeeder. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
ShipByDate This is the date that the order must be shipped by. date None.
DespatchDate This is the date that the order was recorded as being despatched in StoreFeeder. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
DespatchSentToChannelDate This is the date that StoreFeeder submitted to the order Channel as the Despatched Date. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
DespatchOnChannelDate This is the date that was recorded on the order Channel as the Despatched Date. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
LastStatusChangeDate This is the date that the order status was last updated on StoreFeeder. date None.
PaymentMethod This is the Payment Method that was used to pay for the order. string None.
PaymentID This is the Payment ID that was assigned to the order. string None.
ChannelShippingMethod This is the shipping method information that the order Channel provided to StoreFeeder. string None.
ShippingMethod This is the Shipping Method applied to the order in StoreFeeder. ShippingMethodBaseModel None.
ShippingTrackingNumber This is the Tracking Number applied to the order by the courier. string None.
ShippedVia This is the courier that the order was shipped with. This information is provided to the Channel by StoreFeeder. string None.
ConsignmentNumber This is the Consignment Number of the consignment that the order is part of. string None.
Weight This is the weight of the order. decimal number None.
NumberOfPackages This is the number of packages that the order was shipped in. integer None.
Packaging This is the type of packaging that the order was shipped in. PackagingBaseModel None.
PickerName This is the name of the picker who picked the order in the warehouse. string None.
PackerName This is the name of the packer who packed the order in the warehouse. string None.
PickwaveID This is the ID of the pickwave that the order was assigned to in StoreFeeder integer None.
PickerInstructions This is a list of instructions for the picker. These are stored against the products in StoreFeeder. string None.
SpecialInstructions This is a list of any special instructions that were stored against the order. string None.
ContactNotes This is a list of Contact Notes stored against the order in StoreFeeder. Collection of ContactNoteModel None.
Currency This is the currency of the order. string None.
ExchangeRate This is the exchange rate of the order currency to the default currency on the account at the time the order was imported into StoreFeeder. decimal number None.
Transactions This is a list of the details of all transactions related to the order that are stored in StoreFeeder. Collection of TransactionModel None.
OrderLines This is a list of the details of each individual line in the order. Collection of OrderLineModel None.
CancelledDateUTC This is the date that the Order was cancelled on. This is returned in UTC time. date None.
CompanyIdentity CompanyIdentityBaseModel None.
TaxExternallyCollected boolean None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "OrderNumber": 21345,
  "OrderGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "OrderStatus": "AwaitingPayment",
  "Channel": {
    "ChannelName": "Amazon UK",
    "ChannelType": "Amazon",
    "ChannelID": 1,
    "ChannelGuid": "b33e2433-93f2-4429-869a-bf56f8a01145",
    "IsActive": false
  "ChannelOrderRef": "ORD200001",
  "BillingAddress": {
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Company": "Company name",
    "Address1": "the cottage",
    "Address2": "1 street name",
    "Suite": "Suite Name",
    "City": "City",
    "State": "State",
    "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
    "Country": "United Kingdom",
    "PhoneNumber": "01234123456"
  "IsPrime": false,
  "IsPriority": false,
  "IsAmazonBusiness": false,
  "ChannelShippingMethod": "Channel Shipping Method 1",
  "Weight": 0.0,
  "Currency": "GBP",
  "TaxExternallyCollected": false

application/xml, text/xml

<OrderModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ChannelName>Amazon UK</ChannelName>
  <ParentOrderNumber xsi:nil="true" />
    <Company>Company name</Company>
    <Address1>the cottage</Address1>
    <Address2>1 street name</Address2>
    <Suite>Suite Name</Suite>
    <Postcode>NG7 2RR</Postcode>
    <Country>United Kingdom</Country>
  <OrderDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <AttentionIsRequired xsi:nil="true" />
  <ImportDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <ShipByDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <DespatchDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <DespatchSentToChannelDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <DespatchOnChannelDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <LastStatusChangeDate xsi:nil="true" />
  <ChannelShippingMethod>Channel Shipping Method 1</ChannelShippingMethod>
  <NumberOfPackages xsi:nil="true" />
  <PickwaveID xsi:nil="true" />
  <ExchangeRate xsi:nil="true" />
  <CancelledDateUTC xsi:nil="true" />