GET stocklocations?WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&HasProducts={HasProducts}&IsEmpty={IsEmpty}&KeepProduct={KeepProduct}&SKU={SKU}&LocationType={LocationType}&IncludeSystem={IncludeSystem}&PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}
Returns a list of Stock locations
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
WarehouseID | This is an optional parameter. Set it to only return stock locations for a given Warehouse. You can get a list of Warehouses from the Warehouses endpoint. | integer | Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$ |
HasProducts | This is an optional parameter. Set it to only get stock locations which have products contained within them. | boolean | None. |
IsEmpty | This is an optional parameter. Set it to only get stock locations which have no products contained within them. | boolean | None. |
KeepProduct | This is an optional parameter. This will only return stock locations which are set to keep products assigned to them when they reach 0 inventory. | boolean | None. |
SKU | This is an optional parameter. This will only return stock locations which contain the provided SKU. | string | None. |
LocationType | This is an optional parameter. This will only return stock locations of a given location type. | StockLocationType | None. |
IncludeSystem | This is an optional parameter. Setting it to true will return all stock locations, including those automatically created by StoreFeeder. Defaults to false. | boolean | None. |
PageSize | This is an optional parameter. This will default to 100. The max page size is 100 | integer | Range: inclusive between 1 and 100 |
Page | This is an optional parameter. It will default to page 1. | integer | Matching regular expression pattern: ^[1-9]\d*$ |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Returns a list of Stock locations
PagedResponseModelOfStockLocationModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
TotalItems | integer | None. | |
PagingInfo | PagingFilter | None. | |
TotalPages | integer | None. | |
Data | Collection of StockLocationModel | None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "StockLocationID": 1, "StockLocationReference": "A-1", "Warehouse": { "WarehouseName": "My Warehouse", "WarehouseGuid": "2f47863c-a1d8-4b39-81b3-5a7febff1176", "WarehouseID": 1 }, "StockLocationType": "Pickbin", "KeepProduct": true, "LocationOrder": 1, "IsEmpty": false, "HasProducts": false, "IsSystem": false, "IsQuarantined": false }
application/xml, text/xml
<StockLocationModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <StockLocationID>1</StockLocationID> <StockLocationReference>A-1</StockLocationReference> <LocationOrder>1</LocationOrder> <Warehouse> <WarehouseName>My Warehouse</WarehouseName> <WarehouseGuid>2f47863c-a1d8-4b39-81b3-5a7febff1176</WarehouseGuid> <WarehouseID>1</WarehouseID> </Warehouse> <StockLocationType>Pickbin</StockLocationType> <IsQuarantined>false</IsQuarantined> <KeepProduct>true</KeepProduct> <IsEmpty>false</IsEmpty> <HasProducts>false</HasProducts> <IsSystem>false</IsSystem> </StockLocationModel>