GET countries/{countryid}

Returns a specific country based on the country ID

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
countryid The ID of the Country integer Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Returns a specific country based on the country ID

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
CountryID The ID of the country integer None.
Name The Name of the country string None.
TwoLetterISOCode The ISO 2 letter code string Max length: 2 Min length: 2
CountryGUID The GUID of the country globally unique identifier None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "CountryID": 100,
  "Name": "MAURITIUS",
  "TwoLetterISOCode": "MU",
  "CountryGUID": "b78d78a0-01f9-4f72-b12f-26d843760734"