PUT products/stocklocationinventory

This call allows you to update the inventory of products by either SKU or ProductID. You can only update a maximum of 50 products at once.

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters

The collection of inventory updates you want to perform

Collection of ProductStockLocationInventoryUpdateModel
NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ProductIDType The ID that you are using to perform this update ProductIDTypeModel Required
AdjustmentType This type of adjustment that you wish to perform. This can either be absolute or relative. InventoryAdjustmentTypeEnum Required
AdjustmentAmount The amount that you want to adjust by. integer Required
StockLocationID The stock location that you want to apply the inventory update to. Leave null for Unspecified Location StockLocationProductIDTypeModel None.
Reason This is an optional value. This is the reason that you made the adjustment. string None.

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "SKU",
      "Value": "sku1"
    "AdjustmentType": "RelativeAdjustment",
    "AdjustmentAmount": -1,
    "Reason": "Damaged stock."
    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "ID",
      "Value": "1235"
    "AdjustmentType": "RelativeAdjustment",
    "AdjustmentAmount": 1,
    "Reason": "New stock has come in."
    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "ID",
      "Value": "1236"
    "AdjustmentType": "RelativeAdjustment",
    "AdjustmentAmount": 1,
    "StockLocationID": {
      "IDType": "StockLocationReference",
      "Value": "A-1"
    "Reason": "Found extra item."
    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "ID",
      "Value": "1237"
    "AdjustmentType": "AbsoluteAdjustment",
    "AdjustmentAmount": 1,
    "StockLocationID": {
      "IDType": "ID",
      "Value": "245"
    "Reason": "Found extra item."

Response Information

Resource Description

This call allows you to update the inventory of products by either SKU or ProductID. You can only update a maximum of 50 products at once.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
TotalItemsProcessed integer None.
Successful integer None.
Failed integer None.
Responses Collection of ProductInventoryUpdateModelResponse None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItemsProcessed": 2,
  "Successful": 1,
  "Failed": 1,
  "Responses": [
      "Adjustment": {
        "ProductIDType": {
          "IDType": "SKU",
          "Value": "sku1"
        "AdjustmentType": "RelativeAdjustment",
        "AdjustmentAmount": 1
      "Success": false,
      "Error": "Could not find product or you do not have permission to access it."
      "Adjustment": {
        "ProductIDType": {
          "IDType": "ID",
          "Value": "1234"
        "AdjustmentType": "RelativeAdjustment",
        "AdjustmentAmount": 10
      "NewStockLocationInventory": 11,
      "NewProductTotalInventory": 20,
      "Success": true