POST products/productsuppliers

This call allows to update or create Supplier entries for products.

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters

The collection of supplier updates you want to perform

Collection of ProductSupplierUpdateModel
NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ProductIDType The ID that you are using to perform this update SupplierProductIDTypeModel Required
Supplier SupplierBaseModel None.
SupplierSKU The sku that the supplier uses to identifiy the product. string None.
SupplierCosts The cost of the product from the supplier decimal number None.
SupplierStockLevel The suppliers current stock level. integer None.
SupplierLeadTime The suppliers leadtime for the product integer None.
SupplierCartonQuantities The carton quanty the supplier sends of the product integer None.
Priority The supplier priority Order integer None.
SupplierMinOrderAmount The Minimum amount of stock allowed to be ordered integer None.

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "ID",
      "Value": "12345"
    "Supplier": {
      "SupplierID": 1
    "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU1",
    "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
    "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
    "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
    "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
    "Priority": 0,
    "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1
    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "SKU",
      "Value": "SKU2"
    "Supplier": {
      "SupplierID": 2
    "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU2",
    "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
    "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
    "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
    "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
    "Priority": 0,
    "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1
    "ProductIDType": {
      "IDType": "SupplierSKU",
      "Value": "SupplierSKU3"
    "Supplier": {
      "SupplierID": 1
    "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU3",
    "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
    "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
    "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
    "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
    "Priority": 0,
    "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1

Response Information

Resource Description

This call allows to update or create Supplier entries for products.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
TotalItemsProcessed integer None.
Successful integer None.
Failed integer None.
Responses Collection of ProductSupplierUpdateModelResponse None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "TotalItemsProcessed": 3,
  "Successful": 1,
  "Failed": 2,
  "Responses": [
      "SupplierUpdate": {
        "ProductIDType": {
          "IDType": "ID",
          "Value": "12345"
        "Supplier": {
          "Currency": {
            "CurrencyID": 44,
            "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
            "CurrencyName": "British Pounds",
            "Symbol": "£"
          "SupplierID": 1
        "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU1",
        "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
        "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
        "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
        "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
        "Priority": 0,
        "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1
      "Success": false,
      "Error": "Could not find product or you do not have permission to access it."
      "SupplierUpdate": {
        "ProductIDType": {
          "IDType": "SKU",
          "Value": "SKU2"
        "Supplier": {
          "Currency": {
            "CurrencyID": 50,
            "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
            "CurrencyName": "Euro",
            "Symbol": "€"
          "SupplierID": 2
        "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU2",
        "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
        "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
        "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
        "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
        "Priority": 0,
        "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1
      "Success": false,
      "Error": "Supplier does not exist."
      "SupplierUpdate": {
        "ProductIDType": {
          "IDType": "SupplierSKU",
          "Value": "SupplierSKU3"
        "Supplier": {
          "Currency": {
            "CurrencyID": 100,
            "CurrencyCode": "AUD",
            "CurrencyName": "Australian Dollars",
            "Symbol": "A$"
          "SupplierID": 1
        "SupplierSKU": "SupplierSKU3",
        "SupplierCosts": 10.0,
        "SupplierStockLevel": 10,
        "SupplierLeadTime": 1,
        "SupplierCartonQuantities": 0,
        "Priority": 0,
        "SupplierMinOrderAmount": 1
      "Success": true