GET company-identities

Get all company Identities

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Get all company Identities

Collection of CompanyIdentityModel
NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
CompanyIdentityAddress The company identity Address. AddressModel None.
LogoURL The company identities logo. string None.
CompanyIdentityID The company identity ID. integer None.
CompanyIdentityName The company Identity Name. string None.

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

    "CompanyIdentityAddress": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "Company": "My Company 1",
      "Address1": "the cottage",
      "Address2": "1 street name",
      "Suite": "",
      "City": "City",
      "State": "State",
      "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
      "Country": "United Kingdom",
      "PhoneNumber": "01234123456"
    "LogoURL": "",
    "CompanyIdentityID": 1,
    "CompanyIdentityName": "My Company 1"
    "CompanyIdentityAddress": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "Company": "My Company 2",
      "Address1": "the cottage",
      "Address2": "1 street name",
      "Suite": "",
      "City": "City",
      "State": "State",
      "Postcode": "NG7 2RR",
      "Country": "United Kingdom",
      "PhoneNumber": "01234123456"
    "LogoURL": "",
    "CompanyIdentityID": 2,
    "CompanyIdentityName": "My Company 2"

application/xml, text/xml

<ArrayOfCompanyIdentityModel xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <CompanyIdentityName>My Company 1</CompanyIdentityName>
      <Company>My Company 1</Company>
      <Address1>the cottage</Address1>
      <Address2>1 street name</Address2>
      <Suite />
      <Postcode>NG7 2RR</Postcode>
      <Country>United Kingdom</Country>
    <CompanyIdentityName>My Company 2</CompanyIdentityName>
      <Company>My Company 2</Company>
      <Address1>the cottage</Address1>
      <Address2>1 street name</Address2>
      <Suite />
      <Postcode>NG7 2RR</Postcode>
      <Country>United Kingdom</Country>